Does Red Light Therapy Really Work?

The use of red light therapy has been around since the 1950s. Originally it was used as a treatment for patients that had car accidents. During this time there was little research done on the negative side effects of red light therapy. It was discovered that patients who used the red light therapy for muscle recovery experienced a great amount of pain relief. This lead to the use of red light therapy being offered for more reasons than just muscle injuries.

The most common purpose that you will find people using red light therapy for is muscle recovery after an accident. In all cases, the patient is given 10 minutes or so in which to use the machine. After this time the patient must then return to a doctor for a final examination. When this happens, the doctor will be able to see if the fine lines and wrinkles on the skin have been treated. If the doctor determines that the treatment is a success, then your insurance company will cover the cost of the fine lines and wrinkles treatment.

Another place that you will find a lot of patients using red light therapy is to treat Lupus. This is a disease that affects the body with Lupus causing a variety of different symptoms including inflammation and pain. The red light therapy works well for this condition because it helps to increase circulation. The increase in circulation will allow the patient to heal much faster after the treatment.

For people who suffer from a serious eye problem such as glaucoma, a red light therapy machine can also be used. Glaucoma can damage the optic nerve and cause blindness if left untreated. Doctors use red light therapies to treat this disease because they are able to increase circulation. The increased circulation will help to get the optic nerve moving so that it can heal properly.

There are many different types of laser eye surgeries that can be covered by your insurance company if you are interested in using red light therapy. Your surgeon will determine what type of laser eye surgery is best for your condition. They will consult with you about your specific wavelength needs and what you can do to help improve your condition. You may also be able to take an active role in the process by asking the surgeon if you can wear contacts while having the surgery. When you go into the office for your consultation, the doctor will let you know if you can have contacts and which ones they will accept. If you choose to use red light therapy to improve your vision, then you may want to discuss these options with your eye doctor before the date for the procedure arrives.

If you cannot wear corrective lenses or glasses, then you can use the technology provided by this new technology. Your doctor can guide you in the right direction with respect to the amount of light output that you need. The goal of this specific wavelength treatment is to increase the amount of light output while at the same time reducing the harmful effect of ultra-violet rays on the eyes. It can be very beneficial to those that need it most.

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